SCLP Visiting Fellows Programme
The Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy (SCLP) invites applications for its Visiting Fellowship Programme. Up to two fellows will be in residence at a time (normally during a period of leave or sabbatical from their permanent appointments), receiving shared office space, university library access, access to all SCLP research events and activities (including post-event meals/drinks), and the opportunity to deliver an SCLP lunch talk. The period of residence can be flexible, depending on the fellow’s needs. But visiting fellows should be aware that the SCLP is most active during the University’s two main terms, which run from October – January (except three weeks at the end of December and the beginning of January), and from February – June (except for most of April).
The Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy currently has sixteen regular research fellows, making it one of the largest concentrations of professional legal philosophers in the world. A Visiting Fellow may participate fully in all activities of the Centre, having multiple opportunities to share ideas and exchange draft papers, in addition to the lunch talk mentioned above. The Centre has a very active schedule, on average hosting twenty events annually.
Applicants should provide one piece of published work, a detailed CV, and an abstract (not to exceed 300 words) of a project they envision developing while in residence. These should be emailed to Dr Hrafn Asgeirsson at, ideally before the 31st of April of the year one wishes to start as a fellow, though interested scholars should feel free to submit an application an any time. A committee of three regular fellows will assess applications primarily for fit with interests of regular fellows. As those interests change, applicants unsuccessful in a given year are encouraged to reapply when and if they are available at a later date.
Fellows will be expected to fund their own transportation, accommodation, and sustenance. The law school is located on the Stag Hill campus of the University, in picturesque Guildford. Accommodation can be obtained in serviced apartments in Guildford, which are offered by several companies. Many staff chooses to live in London, which is approximately 30-45 minutes away by train from Waterloo Station. The University's Accommodation Office is normally happy to work with visitors to locate suitable accommodation.
Any requests for further information can be directed to Dr Hrafn Asgeirsson, co-director of the Centre, at
The SCLP also welcomes current post-graduate research students ("ABD Ph.D. candidates") at other institutions who, with the agreement of their dissertation advisor, believe that spending some time with us would be beneficial to the completion of their dissertations. As above, these would not be funded visits, so students wishing to take advantage of this programme would need to secure funding from their home institutions or outside sources. Applicants for this PGR Visiting Fellow scheme should email Dr Asgeirsson at the above address at least six months prior to their intended visit, including a CV, a letter of reference from their advisor, and an abstract not exceeding 300 words of the particular parts of the dissertation they hope to complete while visiting Surrey.
Current and Past Fellows

Angeles Rodenas
Visiting Fellow

Juan Ruiz Manero
Visiting Fellow