SCLP PhD studentships

(for July 2021 entry, UK/EU applicants)

The Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy (SCLP) invites applications for two PhD studentships in legal philosophy, for entry in July 2021; the deadline is April 7 2021.


The Force of Law: Anything Special?

One of the traditional main tasks of general jurisprudence has been to explain the distinctive demands that the law makes of us; recently, however, several prominent authors have argued that there isn’t anything distinctive about legal normativity - the purpose of this PhD project is to adjudicate this foundational dispute.

The supervisors for this PhD project are Dr Hrafn Asgeirsson and Dr Kenneth Ehrenberg, Co-Directors of the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy.

Click here for more information about the studentship/project.


Law’s Emotional Impact: The Overlooked Emotional Character of Legal Authority and the Rule of Law

This studentship will support a project that expands our understanding of the traditionally neglected emotional dimension of the law, either by investigating the emotional character of legal authority in general, or by studying the way in which the emotional character of the law is manifested in one or more specific areas of law.

The supervisors for this PhD project are Dr Stephen Bero and Dr Ambrose Lee, both Research Fellows of the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy.

Click here for more information about the studentship/project.


These 3-year studentships cover:

  • Full UK/EU tuition fee covered
  • Stipend at £15,285 p.a. (2020/21)
  • RTSG of £1,000 p.a.
  • Personal Computer (provided by the department)

For more information about the studentships/projects and how to apply, please visit the respective studentship pages (links above). We encourage prospective applicants to contact the supervisory teams in good time, before applying. The deadline is April 7.

Any requests for further information can also be directed to Dr. Hrafn Asgeirsson, Director of PhD Admissions, at