SCLP Welcomes New Leadership

We are delighted to announce that Hrafn Asgeirsson and Kenneth Ehrenberg, both of the University of Surrey School of Law, are the new Co-Directors of the Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy (SCLP). Hrafn Asgeirsson’s research interests lie primarily in analytic legal philosophy, metaethics, philosophy of language, and questions in the interstices of these. His first book, The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law, is forthcoming from Hart Publishing. He also has a flair for convening exceptional workshops. Kenneth Ehrenberg is the author of The Functions of Law (OUP 2016). His research focuses primarily on general jurisprudence—especially jurisprudential methodology, legal ontology, and legal authority, normativity, and validity—and the epistemology of evidence law. He is known for his careful reading of texts and exceptionally lucid commentary. Both Co-Directors have, in different years, been H.L.A. Hart Visiting Fellows at the Oxford Centre for Ethics and Philosophy of Law.

Marie Newhouse, the SCLP Director from 2016 to 2019, will be taking time in the coming year to focus on her personal research projects whilst remaining at Surrey as a Senior Lecturer and SCLP Fellow. She writes, ‘We’re fortunate to have two immensely talented philosophers and dedicated colleagues at the helm going forward. The Centre is sure to flourish in the coming year.’

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