SCLP Collaborates on Major Grant Award in Law and Philosophy

The Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy at the School of Law will collaborate on a 200.000 EUR “Law-Language-Philosophy Research Network” grant awarded by the Polish grant agency NAWA with the Jagiellonian Centre for Law, Language and Philosophy (at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow).

The other international partners are Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, University of Milan, and University of Zagreb.

The Law-Language-Philosophy Research Network (LLPRN) is a project aiming at the creation of a research network enabling collaboration of academics working on legal philosophy, philosophy of language and metaphysics – on the basis of already established, though informal, relations between the Applicant and the Partners of the project. The purpose of forming the LLPRN is to tackle two issues: (1) insufficient collaboration between philosophers of language and philosophers of law (as well as philosophers working on metaphysics, especially social ontology) despite the fact that they are working on the same issues in an analytical paradigm; (2) local reach of research projects in the field.

The main aim of the project is to create an institutionalised platform of international collaboration between philosophers of law and philosophers of language (as well as metaphysicians). Consequently, this project is directed at two main target groups: faculty members and doctoral students, especially lawyers and philosophers, who perform research in the field and are ready to undertake collaboration in interdisciplinary projects.

LLPRN will fulfil its aims through stimulating international collaboration between philosophers of law and philosophers of language: (a) through funding of longer research stays, especially at the Applicant’s and Partners’ premises, as well as in other leading research institutions around the world, of the employees and doctoral students of the Applicant and Partners; (b) funding short exchanges and research stays within the network; (c) coordinating the preparation of joint interdisciplinary and international research projects, as well as the funding of conferences, workshops and a summer school for students.

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