Highlighted Recent Publications

Ryan Abott, The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law (Cambridge University Press 2020) Link

Ryan Abott and Alex F. Sarch, ‘Punishing Artificial Intelligence: Legal Fiction or Science Fiction’ (2019) 53 UC Davis Law Review 323 Link

Ryan Abott, ‘Everything is Obvious’ (2019) 66(1) UCLA Review 1 Link

Harris A. Eyre, Andrew Robb, Ryan Abbott, Malcolm Hopwood, ‘Mental Health Innovation Diplomacy: An Under-recognised Soft Power’ (2019) 53(5) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 474 Link

Joshua Andresen, ‘Fighting Terrorism under All Applicable Law’ (2020) in Christopher Fuller and Claire Finkelstein (eds.), ‘Using Law to Fight Terror: Legal Approaches to Combating Violent Non-State and State-Sponsored Actors’ (Oxford University Press forthcoming) Link

Joshua Andresen, ‘The Paradox of Precision and the Weapons Review Regime’ (2020) 1 The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (forthcoming) Link

Joshua Andresen, ‘China’s Military and the Belt and Road Initiative: A View From the Outside’ (2019) 5 The Chinese Journal of Global Governance 122 Link

Joshua Andresen, ‘Putting Lethal Force on the Table: How Drones Change the Alternative Space of War and Counterterrorism’ (2017) 8(2) Harvard National Security Journal 426 Link

Hrafn Asgeirsson, The Nature and Value of Vagueness in the Law (Hart 2020) Link

Hrafn Asgeirsson, ‘The Sorites Paradox in Practical Philosophy’ in Sergi Oms and Elia Zardini (eds.), The Sorites Paradox (Cambridge University Press 2019) Link

Hrafn Asgeirsson, ‘Can Legal Practice Adjudicate Between Theories of Vagueness?’ in Geert Keil and Ralf Poscher, Vagueness and Law (Oxford University Press 2016) Link

Hrafn Asgeirsson, ‘On the Possibility of Non-literal Legislative Speech’ in Francesca Poggi and Alessandro Capone, Pragmatics and Law (Springer Link 2017) Link

Mikolaj Barczentewicz, ‘Cart Challengers, Empirical Methods, and Effectiveness of Judicial Review’ (2021) 84(6) The Modern Law Review 1360 Link

Mikolaj Barczentewicz, ‘Teaching Technology to (Future) Lawyers’ (2021) 2021(1) Erasmus Law Review 45 Link

Mikolaj Barczentewicz, ‘Cart Judicial Reviews Through the Lens of the Upper Tribunal’ (2021) Judicial Review 1 (forthcoming) Link

Mikolaj Barczentewicz, ‘Constituent Power and Constituent Authority’ (2020) 52(5) Connecticut Law Review Link

Stephen Bero and Alexander Sarch, ‘The Problem of Over-Inclusive Offenses: A Closer Look at Duff on Legal Moralism and Mala Prohibita’ (2020) 14 Criminal Law and Philosophy 395 Link

Stephen Bero, ‘Holding Responsible and Taking Responsibility’ (2019) 39 Law and Philosophy 263 Link

Stephen Bero, ‘The Audience in Shame’ (2020) 177 Philosophical Studies 1283 Link

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov, ‘Evil Trolley Turners; What they do and how they do it’ (2021) 12(2) Jurisprudence 259 Link

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov (ed.), Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Courts and Crimes (Cambridge University Press 2018) Link

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov, ‘Intention as Non-Observational Knowledge: Rescuing Responsibility from the Brain’, in Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov (ed.), Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Courts and Crimes (Cambridge University Press 2018) Link

Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov, ‘Intention in Criminal Law: The Challenge from Non-Observational Knowledge’ (2017) 30(4) Ratio Juris 451 Link

Kenneth Ehrenberg, ‘The Institutionality of Legal Validity’ (2020) 100(2) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 277 Link

Kenneth Ehrenberg, ‘Medical Complicity and the Legitimacy of Practical Authority’ (2020) 12 Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 1 Link

Kenneth Ehrenberg, ‘Ontology and Reason Giving in Law’ in Pawel Banas, Adam Dyrda, Tomasz Gilbert-Studnicki, Metaphilosophy of Law (Bloomsbury 2016) Link

Kenneth Ehrenberg, ‘Law as Plan and Artefact’ (2016) 7(2) Jurisprudence 325 Link

Ambrose Y.K. Lee, ‘Retributive Justice’ (2022) Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (forthcoming) Link

Ambrose Y.K. Lee, ‘Blameworthiness and the Outcomes of One’s Actions’ (2021) Criminal Law and Philosophy Link

Ambrose Y.K. Lee, ‘Review of: Beyond Punishment?: A Normative Account of the Collateral Legal Consequences of Convictions by Zachary Hoskins (Oxford University Press 2019)’ (2020) Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, Rutgers Link

Ambrose Y.K. Lee, ‘Arguing Against the Expressive Function of Punishment: Is the Standard Account Insufficient?’ (2019) 38(4) Law and Philosophy 359 Link

Alex Leveringhaus, ‘Out of Harm’s Way, Book Review: [John Forge, The Morality of Weapons Research: Why it is Wrong to Design Weapons (Springer 2019)] (2021) 30(3) Metascience 475 Link

Alex Leveringhaus, ‘What So Bad About Killer Robots?’ (2018) 35(2) Journal of Applied Philosophy 341 Link

Alex Leveringhaus, Ethics and Autonomous Weapons (Palgrave 2016) Link

Ira Lindsay, ‘In Praise of Nonconformity’ (2021) 61(3) Santa Clara Law Review 2 Link

Ira Lindsay, ‘Convention, Social Trust, and Legal Interpretation’ in Kevin Vallier and Michael Weber (eds.), Social Trust (Routledge 2021) Link

Ira Lindsay, ‘A Defense of Humean Property Theory’ (2021) 27(1) Legal Theory 36 Link

Ira Lindsay, ‘Benefits Theories of Tax Fairness’ in Peter Harris and Dominic de Cogan (eds.), Studies in the History of Tax Law Vol.9 (2019 Hart Publishing) Link

Edoardo Frezet, Marc Goetzmann, Luke Mason, Spaces of Law and Custom (Routledge 2021) Link

Luke Mason, ‘Il pluralismo giuridico e la crime fiction italiana: Le forme letterarie come opere di filosofia del diritto, l’autore come giuslavorista’, in Carlo Baghetti et al. (eds.),  Il lavoro raccontato. Studi su letteratura e cinema italiani dal postmodernismo all'ipermodernismo (Franco Cesati Editore 2020) Link

Luke Mason, ‘Locating Unity in the Fragmented Platform Economy: Labour law and the Platform Economy in the United Kingdom’ (2020) 41(2) Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 101 Link

Luke Mason, ‘Vers une « constitution sociale » européenne ? La constitutionnalisation du droit du travail et le droit de l’Union européenne’ (2019) 2(1) Titre VII : La Revue Du Conseil Constitutionnel 41 Link

Marie Newhouse, ‘The Principle of Autonomy’s Enduring Validity’ (2021) Philosophia (forthcoming) Link

Marie Newhouse, ‘Judicial Law as a Categorical Imperative’ in Ruhi Demiray and Alice Pinheiro Walla (eds.), Reason, Rights and Law: New Essays on Kantian Philosophy (University of Wales Press 2020) Link

Marie Newhouse, ‘The Legislative Authority’ (2019) 24(4) Kantian Review 531 Link

Marie Newhouse, ‘In Defense of Liberal Equality’ (2017) 9(1-2) Public Reason 99 Link

Dennis Patterson, ‘Theoretical Disagreement, Legal Positivism and Interpretation’ (2018) 31(3) Ratio Juris 260 Link

Dennis Patterson, ‘Neuroscience and the Explanation of Human Action’, in Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov (ed.), Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Courts and Crimes (Cambridge University Press 2018) Link

Ari Afilalo and Dennis Patterson, ‘Global Economic Constitutionalism and the Future of Global Trade’ (2019) 40(2) University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 323 Link

Dennis Patterson, ‘Rethinking Duress’ (2016) 7(3) Jurisprudence 672 Link

Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco and George Pavlakos (eds.), Agency, Negligence and Responsibility (Cambridge University Press 2021) Link

Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘Backward-Looking Puzzle of Responsibility in Negligence: Some Preliminary Thoughts for Understanding Inadvertent Actions’ in Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco and George Pavlakos (eds.), Agency, Negligence and Responsibility (Cambridge University Press 2021) Link

Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘The Law of Negligence, Blameworthy Action and the Relationality Thesis: A Dilemma for Goldberg and Zipursky’s Civil Recourse Theory of Tort Law’ (2021) Law and Philosophy Link

Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco, ‘Tracing Finnis’ Criticism of Hart’s Internal Point of View: Instability and the ‘Point’ of Human Action in Law’, in Torben Spaak and Patricia Mindus (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism (Cambridge University Press 2021) Link

Alexander Sarch, ‘Skepticism about Corporate Punishment Revisited’, in Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law (Palgrave MacMillian 2019) Link

Alexander Sarch, Criminally Ignorant: Why the Law Pretends we Know what we Don’t (Oxford University Press 2019) Link

Alexander Sarch, ‘Willful Ignorance in Law and Morality’ (2018) 13(5) Philosophy Compass e12490 Link

Alexander Sarch, ‘Resolving Judicial Dilemmas’ (2018) 6(1) Virginia Journal of Criminal Law 93 Link

Douglas Walton, Fabrizio Macgno, Giovanni Sartor, Statutory Interpretation: Pragmatics and Argumentation (Cambridge University Press 2021) Link

Francesca Lagioia and Giovanni Sartor, ‘Artificial Intelligence for Citizens’ Rights: The Claudette Project’ (2020) 34(1) Ragion Pratica 87 Link

Katie Atkinson et al., ‘In Memoriam Douglas N. Walton: The Influence of Doug Walton on AI and Law’ (2020) 28(3) Artificial Intelligence and Law 281 Link

Regis Riveret, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor, ‘A Deontic Argumentation Framework Towards Doctrine Reification’ (2019) 6(5) Journal of Applied Logics 903 Link

Christopher P. Taggart, ‘A Response to the Problem of Wild Coincidences’ (2020) 198 Synthese 11421 Link

Christopher P. Taggart, ‘Retributivism, Ultimate Responsibility, and Agent Causalism’ (2019) 54(3) Tusla Law Review 441 Link

Christopher P. Taggart, ‘Fairness Versus Welfare: The Limits of Kapow and Shavell’s Pareto Argument’ (2016) 99(3) Marquette University Law Review 662 Link

Christopher P. Taggart, ‘Retributivsm, Agency, and the Voluntary Act Requirement’ (2016) 36(3) Pace Law Review 645 Link